TERKINI: Khutbah Jumaat

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Following are excepts from a Friday sermon delivered by Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qardhawi,which aired on Al-Jazeera TV on January 9, 2009.

Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qardhawi: I address my first message to the aggressor Jews, those arrogant plunderes, who act arrogantly toward the servants of Allah in the land of Allah.

In the past , the Jews spread corruption in the land twice, and Allah punished the both times, by setting as masters upon them people who tormented them, humiliated them, and made them bow their heads. This is what they did in history, and it well know that Allah set as master upon them the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, who took them into captivity. He destroyed their homes, razed their temples, and burned their Torah, and look them into captivity in Babylon for seventy years. Then they repeated their needs, so He set the Romanss as masters upion them.

The Jews have lived as dhimmis in our land for a long time, and no Muslim violated the covenant with them. They were fine, and were among the richest people of the nation that the Muslim envied them. They were close to the sultans, the kings, and the rulers of those times. Despite this, they were not faithful to the (covenant). When they were banished from Euroe, they found no compassionate bosom, no cave to shelter them, except for the lands of Islam. It was the Ottoman Empire, the Mameluke state, and the Islamic counters that recived them with open arms, gave them shelter and protection, but when(the jews) gained influence, they turned their backs on them, and we have become their victims.

This is one of the peculiarties of our times. The nation upon which abasment and humiliation was inflicted, and which drew the wrath of Allah-the people most covetous of life-we have become their victims. The cowards have grown bold in their attitude towards us, the weak and humiliated have grown strong in their dealings with us. The small birs in our land have turned into eagle, and the sheep have turned into wolvws that devour us. What has befallen our nations? But Allah not allow these people to contine to sprad corruption in the land. We wait for the revenge of Allah to descend upon them. And. Allah willing, it will be by our own hands: “Fight them, Allah will torment them by your hands, and bring them to disgrace, and willassist you against them, and will heal the hearts of the believers,and you will still the anger of your hearts.” This is my message to the treacherous Jews, who have never adhered to whaht is is right, or been true to their promise,who violate each time the promise them make to you.

My second message is addressed to the West, which collaborates with Zionism, and especially to America, which acts like a good on Eart. No body asks America about the things it does, and no body holds it accountable for the things it says, because it is like a good in this world. It is America thar supports Israel, whether rigt or wrong.

We say to the West, and especially to America, that Allah will not let you support falsehood. He will not let you support inequity against justice. The USSR collapsed their eyes. The USSR possessed military power, including a nuclear arsenal, but nevertheless, it collapsed. According to the law of Allah, they should collapse as well, unless they full yhemselves together and stay by what is just. My message to the Muslim rukers in general, and to the Arab rulers in particular, is thar they should be God-fearing with regard to their nation. The peoples have spoken, but the rulers closed theit ears, as if they cannot hear, and have covered their eyes as if they cannot see.

This nation is a great nation, buts its problem lies with its rulers and its leaders, who are completely deyached from nation. If this goes on, these rilers will not be able to remain(in power), because they drive their legitimacy from the masses of their peoples, and if the people, these masses, leave them, they will lose all legitimacy. These rulers are deserate, powerless, and incapable of doing anything. They couldn’t even a summit. Is that so difficult?!

Oh rulers, this is a disgrace on your part. I do not want to say that is prohibited, because many of you do not care about what is permitted or prohibited. But I say that it is ad disgrace on ypur part to do nothing but watch while your brothers are being dsetroye. Slaughtered and tormented. This is extremely strange. Are these (Arab rulers) the descendents Abu’ Ubaidagh, Khaled ibn Al-Walid, Tareq ibn Ziyad, and all our nations conquerors throughtout the age?! This is my message to our rulers: They should heed their peoples when they make their decisions, or else history will sweep them up with its broom. Even though Gaza has no gateway except for Egypt, Israel is surrounded by several Arab states, Lebanon and Syria, Jordon, anda SDaudi Arabia are all neighbours of Israel, and whoever wanted to set out(on jihad) from these countries could gave done so, if the gateways were openend. But it is as if we have vocome the protectors od Israel.

Here in Qatar, we have a branch of Marks and Spencer, which regulary dedicates it Saturday revenue to Israel. We have a Starbucks, which serve coffee. They used to hand a sign on the doors of their shops: “We benefit our most important partner, which is Israel, we help in the education of students in Israel, we help build up the Israel defence arsenal,”and so on. People go and drink their expensive coffe. Instead of pay8ing 2 riyals for a cup of coffee, they pay 20 riyals. The Starbucks is Zionist. Why do we not teach the nation to make do with ist own products, when possible, even if they are of lesser quality? This is the only way the nation will rise. My brothers, put the boycott agai8nst yhe nations enemies into action. Every riyal you pay turns into a bullet in the heart of your brothers in Gaza and in other Islamic countries.

Oh Allah, take your enemies, the enemies of Islam. Oh Allah, take the Jews, the treacherous aggressors. Oh Allah, take this profligate, cunning, arrogant band of people. Oh Allah, they have spread much tranny and corruption in the land. Pour your wrath upon them, oh our God. Lie in wait for them. Oh Allah, you annihilated the people of Thamoud at the land of tyrant, and You annihilated the people of’Aad with a fierce, ice gale, and You destroyed the Pharaoh and his soldiers.Oh Allah,take this oppressive, Jewis, Zionist band of people. Oh Allah, do not spare a single one of them. Oh Allah, count their numbers, and kill them, down to the very last one.

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